Jenkins Basics

Jenkins is widely used tool in the software development companies. Today I am going to explain basics of Jenkins. Also the sample setup with maven project and svn. What is Jenkins? As quoted from the Jenkin’s official website, “Jenkins is a self-contained, open source automation server which can be used to automate all sorts of…

4 Things Software Engineers Can Learn From Doctors

As strange as the title of this blog seems, there are some things Software Engineers can actually learn from Doctors. Engineering and Medical Sciences are farthest in terms of career choices. But, both of them have some commonalities. Customers and clients of software engineering services and patients of a doctor. Software engineers use software, coding…

Time Is Resource

In today’s world time is everything. But, is it really? In any crunch situation, most likely the team manager will respond with ‘We don’t have enough resources’. These resources typically mean manpower or funds or equipments. But, what about time? Time often gets ignored not only by managers but also by the team members. If…