Least Known Characters Of Mahabharata – Madhavi

One of the most amazing stories in Mahabharata is the story of Madhavi. Yet very less known about her. Madhavi was the daughter of Yayati and an Apsara. Madhavi had divine powers to remain virgin forever. She was also destined to give birth to four brave and strong sons who were fit to rule the world. The story of Madhavi is Rather bizarre in every aspect.Galav, a disciple of Vishwamitra remained adamant to give Guru-Dakshina. Vishwamitra to teach him a lesson asks for 800 divyalakshani horses (white horses with black ears). Consulting with many, Galav ultimately reaches Yayati, a very powerful Lunar clan (Chandra-vamshi) king.

Yayati could offer no such horses, but to compensate it he offers Madhavi, his daughter to Galav and tells him about her divine powers. Galav then takes Madhavi to Haryasva (King of Ayodhya) and Madhavi gives birth to their son Vasumanasa (or Vasuprada) in return of 200 horses. Madhavi regains her virginity. Then Galav takes her to Divodasa (King of Kashi) and Madhavi gives him a son Pratardana, regains her virginity and leaves son with his father like the previous son. Galav takes 200 horses for Divodasa. Next Galav takes her to Ushinara (King of Bhoj) and Madhavi gives birth to a son named Sibi in return of 200 horses. So now Galav has 600 divyalakshani horses only and there is no king left on earth who has any such horses.

With 600 horses Galav returns to his master, Vishwamitra. Because Galav had 200 horses short, Vishwamitra offers to keep Madhavi for a son for sparing 200 horses. Madhavi gives birth to a son Ashtaka, who later on became a great King.After giving Guru-Dakshina Galav goes to the forest. Vishwamitra sends Madhavi back to her father Yayati. She was still virgin because of her divine power. Yayati arranges for Madhavi’s marriage. But, completely disinterested in marital life and childbearing, Madhavi refuses for re-marriage. She goes into the forest and retires there as a hermit. Madhavi is one of the most ignored, least known yet a mesmerizing character of Mahabharata.

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